Rosabel Cedeño is the co-owner of one of the most successful businesses in the southern region of Puerto Rico. She, along with her business partner, who also happens to be her fiancé, are the owners of an event planning and promoting as well as two of the hottest and classiest nightclubs in the region of Ponce. I thought it might be interesting to see how the film business and the event coordinating business differentiate in negotiations. But in my asking her these questions, I found myself agreeing with everything that she says.
It teaches us that negotiation is the same everywhere; it only depends on what your interests and your ultimate goals are. Enjoy the information, and don’t be afraid to ask me any questions!
- Give an example of how you separate the people from the problem in the negotiations that you take part in for your business.
We must face the problem, not the people. The fact that one person doesn’t coincide with another’s point of view, doesn’t mean that they are being rejected. I, personally had a situation in which I had to tell my cousin, who is my employee, that she was underperforming, and wasn’t meeting the expectations. We sat and talked. And we got to the root of the situation, and I saw that she was going through some personal circumstances that were affecting her performance. We made a deal between both parties (she and I) to solve the situation, and it’s been going well up to this point.
- How does separating the people from the problem affect the outcome of the deals?
By separating the personal problems better negotiation can be found. Negotiations are there for us to find a win-win for both parties, with modifications, and adjustments, and agreement on certain details. Maintaining a rational and objective position we obtain better results.
- Give an example of how you use objective criteria to get what you want in your negotiations.
I analyze, determine what I desire, I think about what can benefit us, I achieve my objectives and always have in mind that we, as a team, are successful.
- How did using objective criteria affect the outcome of the deals you make?
Negotiating and hustling a detail, or proposing a realistic and concrete point help and contribute our negotiations. And most of all help us obtain the results that we are looking for, those being success for both parties.
- Give an example of how you work toward mutual benefit in your business.
Speaking in regards of my business, what we do to gain mutual benefits while I’m the middle of a negotiation with either an employee, for example, I try to comprehend and put myself in his/her position and listen to the point that they are raising. I am very clear in the objectives and goals that I wish to accomplish with my company and up to where I can “yield”; I discuss their preoccupations, I motivate them and we come to an agreement that would benefit each of us. If my employee understands my position and I his/her, they’re going to perform and fulfill the expectations, and therefore I obtain better and bigger benefits.
- Has there ever been a time where you lost a negotiation or felt like you would’ve done better to get a better end result?
Yes, there came a time where I didn’t get the result that I wanted at that moment to improve my business. But I was able to comprehend that the other person’s criteria and interests were and still are valid and what I wanted would’ve limited that person. The reason why the negotiation failed was a compilation of factors that limited us both and were out of his control.
- What is the constant factor in your negotiations?
Communication and be clear of the true interests of both parties.
- What is your advice for people just as yourself, who are starting in the business and are pretty much at the reins of their own dream businesses?
Patience, communication, immense effort and sacrifice, having a positive attitude at every moment, for anything that may present itself. Your attitude is going to define how you undertake and accomplish your way and your goals. Desire to work in order to reach your dreams and see them come true in front of your eyes.
Having a business is very sacrificed, but there is no better satisfaction that to see your dreams come true, and in the future see how much you’ve grown….