Monday, April 23, 2012

Two Months Away from an Entertainment Business

I wanted to speak to you, my reader, regarding a rather special and delicate subject: Graduation. I am supposed to graduate in June/2012, and finally have my Master of Science Degree in Entertainment Business from Full Sail University. I have pondered many times whether to really go into opening my own entertainment industry-related business or to just try and blend in with the crowd, meaning the rest of the world in trying to get a job in this ever so precarious economic age in our history. At my age, I should have my own job, my own home - my own things. But alas, I don't.

Like so many contemporaries of this generation I am unable to find a job that is related to my area of study. Which is weird because that is one of the biggest reasons I went into my Masters with Full Sail. I love Full Sail; the way they educate is like nothing I have ever seen in my life, and probably the same with you. Try taking just one class a month and having to submit 3 different assignments between Wednesdays and Sundays, the learning never stops, but it can com to a point where you start actually pulling your hair.

But, I digress.

The reason I am writing such a fluff piece this time around is because like I said, I'm about to graduate from my Master's degree, and I need to make a decision about whether to go into business, or just keep looking for a job. What's funny about this is that I actually know that I am not the only one going through this questionnaire in my mind. There's millions upon millions of students wondering and questioning themselves the same "trivial" things. So, without further ado, here are my absolutely great ideas: 1) Open my own editing agency/business, 2) Move to either New York, California, London or France and look for multiple jobs in one of those cities.

What do you think?

Can you tell I planned this well?

To be honest, I don’t even know what’s going to happen after I graduate. Right now my future is hanging by a thread. Depending on how I do on this class at the end of the month, I will know if I can graduate. I really truly hope so.
This class is about understanding the workings of Online Marketing. I was scared right away the first day (no one knew that until just now); and I was right. But ‘being scared’ aside, the class is actually very interesting. The professors are great (they must be thinking that I’m trying to get on their good side, not at all… well, maybe a little). The information is exceptionally relevant to our times, and a little knowledge in online marketing never hurt anyone, aside from the fact that if I don’t pass this class, I can’t graduate. So, you can imagine how scared I really am. Here’s to hoping everything turns out OK.

Again, I digress.

Listen, finding a job within the industry that one loves now a day is one of the hardest things there is to do, unless you have a stellar GPA, and good connections in different places. But the one thing I can tell you for sure right now, without a shadow of a doubt in my mind and in my heart is that I do love this business, -well, the creative part anyway- and that I do want to try.

So there you have it my friend(s) (if there’s actually more than one). I give you two options, you help me choose, and I’ll keep bringing these (anything but interesting and relevant) posts.

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